How do we know

when we're not ok?

Working with human beings is rich and complex work. It takes heart and soul, being and feeling, as well as thinking and doing. Dealing with trauma and adversity every day can take its toll on staff, teams and organisations.

We provide consultation and training to a wide range of organisations who are looking to relate to their clients and to each other. Including health and social care, social work teams, police, hospitals, schools, and non-care related businesses.

consultation to organisations

Helping teams relate

to their clients and each other

A team or service that has become overloaded and trauma-organised may be:

Reactive, making quick decisions

Feeling as though you’re running
around with your hair on fire



Working in silos

Bouncing from one crisis to the next

Fire fighting

Frozen, stuck or rusty

Looking for quick fixes


We can’t expect staff to do their best for their service users in a trauma-organised environment. If we want our teams to be relational with each other as well as with service users, then a relational culture needs to be modelled from the top-down, throughout the organisation.

Contact Us for support

Developing attachment and trauma-informed organisational cultures can help teams to thrive

You can increase retention and staff wellbeing, efficiency, and competency, through psychoeducation and transforming theory into practice. 

Our consultation and training topics might include: 

  • Transforming theory into practice – embedding attachment and trauma informed ideas into your organisation 
  • Creating and embedding relational and trauma-informed: 
  • Leadership and management approaches 
  • Values, standards and staff competencies 
  • Policies and procedures 
  • Recruitment processes 
  • Induction 
  • Physical environments 
  • Use of language  
  • Staff wellbeing approaches 
  • Supervision and reflective practice 
  • Amber and Red flag processes 
  • Learning from unplanned endings
  • Evaluating the efficacy of relational approaches
Need a free 20-min consultation? Contact us
professional development and training

Bespoke training packages

for services and organisations

We can also organise bespoke training packages for services and organisations. Topics might include: 

  • Understanding developmental trauma 
  • Dissociation 
  • Attachment 
  • The Fight/Flight/Freeze response
  • Helping teams be more relational
  • Therapeutic leadership 

To arrange bespoke training, email us at

We are working hard to develop our range of training programmes for the following year. Please check back for more details.

Expert witness